
Saturday, February 6, 2010

YT Tag: A Few of My Most Worn

Being so busy at work has kept me from concentrating as much as I would like to on YouTube and my blog.  However, I found this video on my computer and honestly couldn't figure out why I hadn't posted it yet!  I thought this would be perfect to post to let everyone know I haven't skipped out on YouTube and I am still here working on things as much as I possibly can.  Things WILL start getting better soon, because my hours have been cut at work.

I saw Allthatglitters21 do this tag and I absolutely loved it!  This is one in which you share your most worn products/items.  The categories are lipstick/lipgloss, jewelry, shirt, nail polish, shoes, hair product, fragrance, & handbag.  You know that there is, in each of these categories, ONE thing you constantly LEAST once a week!  Some of these things, I wear more than that. 

You can check out my video at .

I would love to see some video responses on this tag!  It is certainly different, in my opinion, and was a lot of fun realizing that there ARE so many things in my collections that I wear time and time again!

Thanks for coming by you guys!  Much love to you all, always!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Which viva glam lipstick is that again? I want to try it. :D

Thank you!