I have a lot of drugstore product reveiws that I will be posting here & on YouTube soon! (
www.YouTube.com/VanitysEdge) I wanted to give you guys an idea on why I do the reviews on both spaces!
Here on my blog, I will of course post pictures and keep the review as short and sweet as possible! I feel that this will give my followers/prospective followers, a quick reference when thinking of purchasing these products! You can easily search my blog, as well as the web, from the Google search in the sidebar or toolbar above, to quickly locate a product you are wondering about! I will always make sure there are tags attached to each blog! Swatch photos will always be posted here as well, also for those wanting a quick reference!
Now, on YouTube, I will more than likely go into greater detail (of course) on these videos. I will of course show the product, any swatches, and you will more than likely get to see it on my face.
I will always try out these products for a few days in a variety of different ways as well. I don't think you should decide on a product the first day...every item deserves a chance (says my bank account!)! I love doing reviews...especially when they are requested! I feel requests make me really take notice because I want to provide the person requesting with the best information that I can! I would hate for someone to waste money or not get something just because of me!
This is also why I ask you to leave your comments and your experiences with similar products below or on the YT video!!! Of course, something I hate, somone else may like!! So, please....LET US KNOW!!! DON'T BE SHY!!! :)
So, I have finished with a few of the first posts, so check back soon as I just have to produce photos and they will be posted!!! This first round will be some drugstore products that my fellow MUGs and the recent sale at Walgreens help me come up with! Let me know in the comments below, via email (
Vanitys_Edge@yahoo.com), twitter (
www.Twitter.com/VanitysEdge), or by messaging/commenting on the review vids on YouTube (
www.YouTube.com/VanitysEdge) what drugstore/highend products you would like to see reviewed that you haven't!! I would love to be your personal product tester!
Thanks for coming by today you guys! I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!!